Recently I’ve been dusting off my knowledge about basic use of Docker Swarm. To create a cluster I’ve …
When you run rootless containers using Podman there’s often need to set up the system in a way that would allow …
When using external servers, services like Github etc. it’s hard not to come across topic of SSH. It’s a …
When it comes to RAID the most common scenario I’ve encoutered so far is hardware RAID, or management through …
Some of the sites / channels I enjoy. For a start - mostly video channels. ThePrimeagen / ThePrimeTime (EN) Programming …
Writing in doc/docx editors (Word, LibreOffice etc.) sucks. So does plain Latex. Both distract from actual writing by …
Time I’ve spent watching documentary called “General Magic” was a good one. It’s a good reminder …
Recently I had a go at milling single sided PCBs on my cnc mill. I’m super happy how the initial tests went out. …
I’ve become writing with markdown fan. On surface level it doesn’t seem like anything special - just a …
For the time being I’ve settled on using Joplin for my markdown note taking. There’s one issue that annoys …
I’ve often encountered the opinion that cnc machining is hard and very unapproachable. Well, currently I …
In local Fablab we’ve recieved Unifi Dream Machine Pro to replace our old USG. After looking at some articles and …
I got to set up a couple of new laptops with Windows 11. As they were intended for educational purposes Microsoft cloud …
Recently I’ve started playing with making desktop apps using Python. Among the available GUI toolkits I quite like …
I love Sublime Text - it is super responsive, customizable and elegant. But out of the box it is exactly what’s …