About me.

I’m a weirdo that loves learning and making things that dives head first into new projects. Which partly is the reason this site came about. It allows me to reflect back, analyze what went well and what not so much.

So yeah, the motivation behind it is a bit self-centered. Still hopefully someone else will find my mumblings useful as well.

Given my interests the content might end up pretty varied, even though it started with IT related stuff mostly. Probably you’ll find some stuff about 3d printing, digital sculpting, model making, maker movement, art, cnc, cad… It will also contain some dump of the links I find useful and things pulled from my social media, old drives and so on. Basically the plan is to make it my repository :) .

The things I’ll try to stay away from are politics, cultural issues etc. No promises though. Still the plan is to post less emotionally involved / demanding things.
