
My name is Przemek and I'm a maker at heart. Here's my tiny space where I post stuff that I'm working on, links I find useful - no matter it delves into computers, design, model making. If you're interested more why I created this site, check a little bit about my bio head to "About me" section.
The site is built with Hugo (with my simple theme) and uses Bulma for css styling. For images I use Unsplash extensively. Kudos to all the people that share the free images there (and on other sites).

Last entries:

Environment for Docker Swarm

Recently I’ve been dusting off my knowledge about basic use of Docker Swarm. To create a cluster I’ve …

Rootless - keep running.

When you run rootless containers using Podman there’s often need to set up the system in a way that would allow …

SSH Basics

When using external servers, services like Github etc. it’s hard not to come across topic of SSH. It’s a …


When it comes to RAID the most common scenario I’ve encoutered so far is hardware RAID, or management through …

Main categories:


The joy of writing the code is something that caught me by surprise. It's no longer domain that's useful only for computer science graduates. Knowing even the basics can ease and speed up your work no matter what you do... as long as it includes using computers ;).
With high level languages like Python the entry point has lowered signifacantly and I'm happy I've given it a try.


Somehow I've always ended up around computers. Even in late teens, when I've thought I'm parting ways with that kind of stuff, I've kept being the person friends called when their computers misbehaved.
Electronics are nowadays incorporated in even super simple devices. Having some skills to handle those is something I find definitely worthwhile.

CNC Machining.

I don't think modern world would be possible without cnc machines. Things created thanks to them surround us - it can be something as simple as a plastic spoon or as complex as some crazy part of a jet engine.
How things are made is fascinating IMO. So it's no surprise I got some basic cnc training.

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